lander: that's not worthy of the question, but what the hell, it's not about discussion any longer in this place, it's about the best zingers any longer, isn't it?
The NKs did negotiate with Cinton in 1994 and signed a pact which later events show they began violating almost immediately. The US did nothing in those years to provoke them, except to abide by the terms of the treaty.
If you want to bury your head in the sand and repeat your 'US bad' mantra, good for you - it relieves you of the necessity of examining the motives, actions and moral lacking of other countries, like the brutal communist dictatorship of NK. The US is not causing hardship in NK - their government is. WHY THE HELL DON'T YOU BLAME THEM!!???
Ask NK why they won't allow multilateral talks? Ask them why did they begin their nuclear program again in violation of international agreements? Ask them why they aggrassively pursued an American surveillance flight in international airspace? Right - because that doesn't feed into your view of America as the aggressor nation, and apparently that of NK being a 'peaceful' nation.
This ****ing cracks me up.